Call Me Crazy

While those of us who believe in a spiritual realm might disagree on specifics, the one thing we can surely see eye-to-eye on is that our time spent inhabiting these physical bodies will be far too brief. We’ll be here and gone in a relative eyeblink.  Call me crazy,  But as i see it, we […]


DAILY • NIGHTLY RIDE THE PEACE TRAIN TO COOLSVILLE “Erase your graveled face from the frazzled chase and dazzled pace of the unraveled rat race” LOCAL STOPS IN EUPHORIA HEIGHTS, MIIND PALACE, AND ENLIGHTENMENT POINT


Providing Righteous vibes and sublime times since ’19. O.B.T.T No. 7 (Old Before It’s Time)


A life lived beautifully, if not with perfection; and love given in earnest, if not always to the right recipient. a heart that is full and beats with purpose, but in the eyes a faraway look, in the soul a constant churning. would that he could, he would appoint himself VICEROY to all the world’s […]

“Forgot to Forget”

Forgot to Forget by Markus Pierson 2023 | Tellurado Studio

with apologies to those who now know better, we forgot to forget that our favorite songs should inspire our path through life; so they still do. we forgot to forget that daredevil adventures were worth the risks; so we still seek them out. we forgot to forget that cheerful optimism was preferable to apathetic cynicism; […]

“A Clear View… of Hope”

A Clear View... of Hope - Art By Markus Pierson - Tellurado Studio

some of us often get asked why we seem so intent on seeking out lonely places, places where sounds are few and occurrences rare, places where the greatest uncertainties usually lie in the skies around us. it can almost seem like we don’t like being around others. everyone is different, this we know, but the […]

“Invictus Hostis Victus”

'Invictus Hostis Victus' Art by Markus Pierson - 2023

( defeat of the invisible foe ) They all called me “THE INVINCIBLE FAUX” because no one could match my ability to defeat LOVE at its treacherous game of “CAPTURE AND CAGE.” all across the greedily – greened grasslands I giddily galloped, dodging and darting , deftly ditching love’s determinedly dogged pursuit. Sometimes I let […]

Hygge – Working Proof

Hygge WP by Markus Pierson - Artwork Redefining Coziness

You speak of hygge, but without l v (love), hygge is ugyldig (null and void). the 2 of you, so golden, so warm inside, you’ve turned me green with misundelse (envy). And so I rain upon you sad tears from the hole in my soul, in hopes that l v will grow weary of my […]

Hygge – “hoo-ga”

Hygge by Markus Pierson - Embrace Coziness, Contentment

HYGGE – Pronounced “hoo-ga”, is a word in Danish that describes a mood of coziness and “comfortable conviviality” with feelings of wellness and contentment. AND FURTHERMORE … an outlook on life that focuses on simple pleasures and taking the time to cultivate more of them in your life.The answer to “WHAT IS HYGGE” will vary […]

“Blue Note”

Heartfelt Tale of Blue Note by Markus Pierson

“nate longstepper will one day pass on to that great encore in the sky, but when he does it will be somewhat redundant, as he is already part of eternity. It all started some years back when nate, a long-suffering musician with big dreams, was playing lead guitar with a band called “the tirekickers.” He […]

The Cast

Coyote Series Artis Markus Pierson and TELLURADO owner Mitch Schwenke throwing up the signature “Viceroy Victory” pose celebrating a beauty of a day while playing Creekside in the northern Maine backyard of Markus Pierson. TELLURADO STUDIO, a cozy refuge in its 3rd year, offers up exclusively the Fine Art of the “Coyote Series”, cool logoed outdoor provisions and excellent Craft Cocktails. A place to hideout, hang your hat and throwback one of our famous Oakwood Smoked “Old Fashioned” while taking in the tales of reckless footloose souls, crazy romance and philosophy by Coyote Series Artist Markus Pierson.

Markus Pierson

Markus Pierson

The Artist

The Coyote Series, inspired by the Joni Mitchell song Coyote, was created by Michigan native Markus Pierson in 1986. Markus is much more than just the creator; after 36 years he has become the muse and inspiration for thousands of dreamers, adventurers and romancers. And not necessarily in that order.

After a near-fatal bout with Crohn’s Disease, Markus dove in hard, painting billboards by day for a living and working into the night on his “Coyotes.” To the wall above his desk he taped these words, “No one works this hard and this smart – and has it come to nothing.” Within a year, he walked out of Artexpo in NYC with commitments from 110 art galleries across the country.

Today you could find Markus spending time with his wife Sher and their 4 dogs at the “Optimism Farm” in Maine. Painting, writing or a brisk workout on his motocross track, his days are happy and his “Cup of Gratitude” full.

Mitch Schwenke

Mitch Schwenke

The Proprietor

Owner, operator, bartender, cook and chief bottle washer, Mitch, the Viceroy of all the worlds dreamers, had been dreaming of setting up shop in this gorgeous ol’ mining town for several years. Those dreams and the bountiful journey to get here became reality in the fall of 2020. Chances are you’ll catch him in shorts, a ballcap and his Harley parked out front but don’t let that fool you. As a four-decade restaurateur by trade, he has just enough experience to be dangerous and pull this off … or pull the wool over your eyes. He also owns the Blue Coyote Supper Club in Ft. Myers, Fl. going on 21 years.

Alex Avedikian

Alex Avedikian

The Utility Player

What happens when you toss 3 parts designer, one part shady bartender and a smidgeon of bathroom attendant in a gunny sack? Well that would be Alex … aka “Alvin.” When he’s not humping at his Graphic Design and Web firm in Minneapolis or shoeing some old horse on his farm in southern Minnesota, ya might find him torching a “Smokey” at the bar, tightening up the next piece of “Swag” or cursing the aptly named POS system at the studio. He doesn’t grace us with his presence nearly enough, but when he does you have two choices … either run for the hills or tighten up your laces for the wild ride. Let it go Baby!

Sarah and Kyle

Kyle and Sarah

Mixologists and Host Extraordinaires

Kyle and Sarah, hailing from complete opposite corners of the Universe, vastly different brain washings and a tad bit o’ contrast in lifetime throwdowns, offer up watered-down libations, a few white lies and plenty of verbal abuse. Naaah, just jivin! A pair of the towns best… twisting up country club pours, sneaky inside Telluride knowledge and smiles from ear to ear. Are ya here yet?

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