Call Me Crazy

While those of us who believe in a spiritual realm might disagree on specifics, the one thing we can surely see eye-to-eye on is that our time spent inhabiting these physical bodies will be far too brief. We’ll be here and gone in a relative eyeblink. Call me crazy, But as i see it, we […]

DAILY • NIGHTLY RIDE THE PEACE TRAIN TO COOLSVILLE “Erase your graveled face from the frazzled chase and dazzled pace of the unraveled rat race” LOCAL STOPS IN EUPHORIA HEIGHTS, MIIND PALACE, AND ENLIGHTENMENT POINT

Providing Righteous vibes and sublime times since ’19. O.B.T.T No. 7 (Old Before It’s Time)

A life lived beautifully, if not with perfection; and love given in earnest, if not always to the right recipient. a heart that is full and beats with purpose, but in the eyes a faraway look, in the soul a constant churning. would that he could, he would appoint himself VICEROY to all the world’s […]
“Forgot to Forget”

with apologies to those who now know better, we forgot to forget that our favorite songs should inspire our path through life; so they still do. we forgot to forget that daredevil adventures were worth the risks; so we still seek them out. we forgot to forget that cheerful optimism was preferable to apathetic cynicism; […]
“A Clear View… of Hope”

some of us often get asked why we seem so intent on seeking out lonely places, places where sounds are few and occurrences rare, places where the greatest uncertainties usually lie in the skies around us. it can almost seem like we don’t like being around others. everyone is different, this we know, but the […]
“Invictus Hostis Victus”

( defeat of the invisible foe ) They all called me “THE INVINCIBLE FAUX” because no one could match my ability to defeat LOVE at its treacherous game of “CAPTURE AND CAGE.” all across the greedily – greened grasslands I giddily galloped, dodging and darting , deftly ditching love’s determinedly dogged pursuit. Sometimes I let […]
Hygge – Working Proof

You speak of hygge, but without l v (love), hygge is ugyldig (null and void). the 2 of you, so golden, so warm inside, you’ve turned me green with misundelse (envy). And so I rain upon you sad tears from the hole in my soul, in hopes that l v will grow weary of my […]
Hygge – “hoo-ga”

HYGGE – Pronounced “hoo-ga”, is a word in Danish that describes a mood of coziness and “comfortable conviviality” with feelings of wellness and contentment. AND FURTHERMORE … an outlook on life that focuses on simple pleasures and taking the time to cultivate more of them in your life.The answer to “WHAT IS HYGGE” will vary […]
“Blue Note”

“nate longstepper will one day pass on to that great encore in the sky, but when he does it will be somewhat redundant, as he is already part of eternity. It all started some years back when nate, a long-suffering musician with big dreams, was playing lead guitar with a band called “the tirekickers.” He […]